Minggu, 20 September 2020

Hoaks dan Cara Menghadapinya (VUCA)

    Dengan semakin maraknya penggunaan medsos di berbagai kalangan, Informasi-informasi dapat dengan mudah diunggah dan disebarluaskan. Banyak dari informasi tersebut yang tidak jelas sumbernya dan berisikan hal-hal tidak benar. Hal itulah yang sering kita sebut dengan hoaks. Hoaks dalam KBBI diartikan sebagai berita bohong dan merupakan tantangan masa depan kita semua. 

    Hoaks merupakan salah satu contoh konsep VUCA yang memiliki 4 komponen yaitu Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, dan Ambiguity. Sebelumnya akan saya tekankan bahwa tidak semua tantangan masa depan memiliki ke-4 komponen tersebut. Bisa saja tantangan masa depan yang dikaji hanya memiliki 2-3 komponen saja. 

    Komponen pertama adalah Volatility memiliki arti tantangan ini cenderung berubah-ubah secara ekstrem. Hoaks dapat terjadi kapan saja dan bisa bersifat fluktuatif. 
    Kedua adalah Uncertainty yang artinya unreliable, tidak diketahui, dan apabila diketahui, informasinya tidak lengkap sehingga gambaran besarnya menjadi tidak diketahui. Uncertainty merupakan komponen yang paling menggambarkan hoaks. 
    Selanjutnya adalah Complexity yaitu keterhubungan setiap komponen dengan komponen lainnya dalam suatu sistem. Apabila 1 berita bohong tersebar ke dunia maya, penggunanya tidak akan tahu lagi mana informasi yang benar dan mana yang salah. hal tersebut akan saling berhubungan dan pada akhirnya 1 berita bohong tersebut bisa menjadi berita bohong besar yang memenuhi internet.
    Komponen terakhir adalah Ambiguity yang diartikan sebagai sebuah kondisi ketika sesuatu memiliki multiple meanings dan tidak jelas. Banyak sekali kemungkinan mana berita yang asli dan benar, tetapi tidak ada yang mengetahuinya secara pasti, hal itulah yang disebut ambiguitas. 

    Setelah kita memandang permasalahan hoaks dengan konsep VUCA, kita dapat menghadapi tantangan masa depan ini dengan konsep 3 Wawasan dari Patrick Hollingworth, atau bisa disebut juga Alpine Style Model. 3 wawasan itu ada Skills, Insights, dan Traits
    Wawasan pertama yaitu Skills dapat kita lakukan dengan Sensemaking yaitu dengan menyusun hal-hal yang kita tidak ketahui menjadi sesuatu yang lebih dikenal, apabila menemukan informasi yang tidak jelas sumbernya kita dapat double-check informasi tersebut dengan mencari tahu lebih dalam ataupun bertanya langsung pada orang yang bersangkutan. Selanjutnya dengan decision making yaitu mengambil kesimpulan hal apa yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya merupakan hal yang penting karena akan sangat berpengaruh, seperti kita dapat memutuskan apakah kita akan menyebarkan informasi tidak jelas tersebut atau memutuskan untuk mencari kebenarannya. Yang terakhir adalah getting critical atau berpikir kritis, tidak menelan berita dari internet secara mentah. 
    Wawasan kedua adalah Insights yang berisi Strength, Weaknesses, dan Risk-Attitude. Kita harus mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, dan harus berani mengambil risiko. Kita tidak bisa membiarkan berita bohong tersebar di internet, hal yang bisa kita lakukan adalah dengan tidak menyebarluaskannya dan mulai menyebarkan berita yang benar dan jelas. 
    Wawasan terakhir yang harus dimiliki adalah Traits, dengan memiliki Growth mindset atau pemikiran yang fleksibel dan terbuka kita tidak boleh menutup diri dari informasi-informasi yang bisa saja lebih jelas sumbernya. Kita juga harus memiliki sifat always be learing atau selalu memperbarui wawasan dengan informasi yang lebih up-to-date dan lebih benar. Yang terakhir adalah anti-alpha yaitu tidak boleh merasa yang paling benar, kita harus senantiasa berinteraksi dan mendegar juga pemikiran-pemikiran orang lain tentang suatu hal. 

    Seperti itulah contoh pemakaian konsep VUCA dan 3 Wawasan yang dapat saya tulis. Saya harap kedepannya kita semua bisa melihat tantangan masa depan dengan konsep ini sehingga kita dapat menghadapinya dengan benar bersama-sama. Sekian dan terimakasih. 💜

                                                                                                                Dinda Maharani W 
SBM ITB 2023 Kelompok 36 
NIM 19720258
#TantanganMasaDepan #DuniaVUCA 
#OSKMITB2020 #TerangKembali 

Minggu, 28 April 2019

Natural Phenomenon : Fog

  1. what is fog? 
Fog is a visible aerosol consisting of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth’s surface.Fog can be considered a type of low-lying cloud, usually resembling stratus, and is heavily influenced by nearby bodies of water, topography, and wind conditions. In turn, fog has affected many human activities, such as shipping, travel, and warfare.

  1. how fog can be formed? 
Fog forms when the difference between air temperature and dew point is less than 2.5 C
Fog begins to form when water vapor condenses into tiny liquid water droplets that are suspended in the air
water particles forming fog 

  1. types of fog 
  • radiation fog 
  • ground fog 
  • advection fog 
  • evaporation fog / steam fog 
  • frontal fog 
  • ice fog 
  • freezing fog 
  • precipitation fog 
  • hail fog 
  • upslope fog

  1. artificial fog 

Artificial fog is man-made fog that is usually created by vaporizing a water- and glycol-based or glycerine-based fluid. The fluid is injected into a heated metal block, and evaporates quickly. The resulting pressure forces the vapor out of a vent. Upon coming into contact with cool outside air, the vapor condenses in microscopic droplets and appears as fog.

Tur Budaya : Bali

Tur Budaya is an annual event of 3 National Highschool. The committee of this event is student council, 11th graders, and teachers. this years destination is Bali. On 17-21 of March, 2019. We, 11th graders went to Bali to explore and to learn about their cultures. 

On day 1, we go to the airport and went to Bali. In Bali, we went to Krisna, a souvenirs shop. and then we went to Jimbaran. It was a bad night, because in Jimbaran we can’t eat anything. Because it rained and our seafood is wet and gross. So we headed back to our bus and went back to our hotel. 

On day 2, we went to Tanjung Benoa where we play water sports. My friends and I decided to go to Turtle Island. And then we go to Pandawa Beach, it was a beautiful beach but also crowded so we can’t get a good photo. After that we go to GWK, we take photos of all of us 11th graders. And the last destination is Devdan show, it’s a show about Indonesian’s cultures. Then we went back to the hotel. 

On day 3, we went to Tirta Empul and had lunch at Kintamani. After that we went to Desa Adat Pamglipuran then back to hotel to get ready for makrab at Hotel Nirmala. In makrab, there is performances by TST, MK3, and Band3. There is also fashion show for the best costume.

On our last day here, we have free time for ourselves around 2 hours. My friends and I decided to just walk and see stores in Seminyak. We spent most of our money there. After that we need to go to Krisna. We buy souvenirs there. And then we went to Bedugul, our last destination before going home with train.

It was really tiring but i had fun. It was a new experience for me to stay in Bali with my friends. it was a great 4 days, and i wish i can go to another place with my friends again.

Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter 

April 2, 2019 

Joseph Lang 
Fakultas Teknik Industri, of ITB
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 
Bandung, Indonesia

Dear Mr. Lang, 
It is my pleasure to recommend Azka Khaira Dalila Urfa for admission to FTI of ITB. I have known Azka for 3 years as her english teacher. And during her study in 3 National Highschool Bandung, i watched Azka grow to be an individual who is not only good in Academics but also has an amazing personality. 

As Azka’s teacher, i often see how nice she is. Azka is someone that is optimistic and strong-willed. If she set her goals on something, she will do whatever it takes to get it. 

She is a sensitive person. and also easy to make friends, with her friendly attitude everyone is happy to meet her. She is really smart, she got the highest UN score when she is in elementary school. 

I highly recommend you accept Azka into your FTI Program. I am confident she will make an excellent addition to your university’s community. Please feel free to contact me if you have a question about her character or past academical work.

Dinda Maharani
English Teacher

3 National High School Bandung

Bakti Desa

Bakti Desa 

On the 3rd of January 2019, my school went to a village called desa Cibeureum, Kertasari. it was a program in SMA Negri 3 Bandung that want to makes us, 11th grader know and experienced life in the village. 

We formed a group consist of 4 people. The group will stay in the same house. The 4 people in my group are Amira, Azka, Nabilah, and I Dinda. Our foster family are Ceu Ucun, her husband, and her second daughter. Ceu Ucun’s husband is a gardener, he owned a carrots and potatoes garden. On the second day, We went to his land and see what he do in a day. 

Ceu Ucun has three childrens. The first one is a girl, she sells meatballs and noodles behind her house. the second daughter is a teacher in an elementary school. the third one is a boy, and currently studying in purwakarta.

After i came to this village, i would like to build a proper school here, and maybe make an extracurricular on how to properly gardens. 

Minggu, 03 Maret 2019

About Me & My Goals

In my first blog post, i have introduced myself. now i want to write about myself more deeply.

So, Hai! My name is Dinda Maharani Widyaputri. I was born in Bandung at 11th of july 2002. And now i'm 16 years old. I am an 11th grade student from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. I have one older brother, his name is Ronggur. He is one year older than me. And i have parents who love me very much. My hobby is listening to music, watching movies, and going to festivals with my friends. 
I also love to travels. It is exciting to go see new places that i had never visited before. 

When i was a kid, i was a shy quiet girl who don't have many friends. in elementary school, 2 of my friends and i took a part in a scientific competition in ITB, and we won. Rauf, Khalid, and I were very happy. 

When i was in junior high school, i was offered a bilingual class. it's a class where we studied in English. Sometimes it's hard but i manage to do it until i graduate. in 7th grade, i was found to have a disease. i was hospitalized for 3 months because of TB Meningitis. I already wrote the story of my disease in my previous blog post. Because of that disease i don't contribute in any extracurricular or school organizations. But after i recovered, the shy quiet girl inside me changed. i am no longer quiet, i am cheerful and easygoing. In the last semester of my junior high school i studied really hard for the national exam. i really wanted to go to a good high school, just like my brother. 

After i graduate junior high school, i am very thankful to be able to become a student at SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. 

Now, i want to tell you guys more about my character & behavior. i tend to forget a lot of things, but luckily i like to take notes, about everything. So when i forget things, i can just look at my notes. i'm also an easy-going person, flexible, and can adapt easily. I am strong-willed, if i want something, i'm going to try everything in my power to get it. i'm also like to manage things, i am an organized person. 

My Goals in the future is to graduate from SMA Negeri 3 with a good score. After that, i want to attend collage in SBM ITB. i really interested in business and management. My dream job is to have lots of little shops. Such as a cute little coffee shops, ice cream shops, bakery, etc. i also want to study in London. especially University of the Arts London, London Collage of Fashion. because i also want to have my own clothing brand. i want to design it myself. i hope my dream will come true in the future

Minggu, 10 Februari 2019

Edupassion 2019 & My Life Goal

Edupassion, 24 January 2019 is an event in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung that introduce universities to students of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung and other highschools. I was a committee of this event.

This event was opened by West Java’s governor, Mr. Ridwan Kamil. Then we fly up 30 balloons as a symbol of the opened event.

There are 35 stands of universities that you can visit. collages, educational institutions, RBL by student of SMAN 3 Bandung, adiwiyata, and sharing with alumni. For the collages you can found state and private collages. At the stand you can visit UPI, Prasetya Mulya, Tokyo University, POLBAN, ITENAS, Widyatama, Telkom University, Binus University, Trisakti, UMN, POLMAN, St. Andrew's, LSPR, NIS, ITS,UNPAS, Sampoerna University, Best Student, Wall Street, Stufen Edu, UI, STAN, ITHB, Inzela, ITB, IKJ, IPB, UNDIP, UNJANI, UIN, Maranatha, BJB, Edulab, UNISBA, UGM, UNAIR, UNPAR, and UNPAD.

After that event, i started to think about my life goal. First i want to graduate from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, and i want to attend collage. i want to be a SBM ITB student. i want to be an active student, enter campus organizations, and have a lot of friends. 

After i graduate collage, i want to make little cafes. Like coffee or ice cream shops.

But my biggest life goal is to be a good wife and mother.

Hoaks dan Cara Menghadapinya (VUCA)

    Dengan semakin maraknya penggunaan medsos di berbagai kalangan, Informasi-informasi dapat dengan mudah diunggah dan disebarluaskan. Bany...